Support the STRIVE4You Mission

People holding their fingers together to create a star. The Strive 4 You logo is in the middle.

There are several different ways you can help make a difference by partnering with STRIVE4You. Yes, monetary donations help make it possible for us to provide essential services to people with disabilities, giving them strength and encouragement to live life to the fullest. However, you could also make in-kind donations in the form of supplies and services; become a valued sponsor of an event or program; volunteer for an event or an ongoing project; or use your experience, knowledge, and skills to serve as a board or committee member. Your gift is more than just a donation—it is an investment in the future of a person with a disability and their pursuit to live an independent, fulfilling life!

Corporate Matching

Did you know that your employer may have a corporate matching program where they match your donation to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit? This will double your giving power. If STRIVE4You is not currently on your company’s list of approved charities, let us know and we will work with them to include us.

In-Kind over a blurred image of a soccer ball

In-Kind Support 

Do you or your company have supplies, products, or services that can help to further the STRIVE4You mission? Our team understands the value of in-kind donations and knows that they can be just as valuable or even more so than monetary ones. In fact, in-kind donations make up a huge portion of our operating budget each year. 

Examples of In-Kind Support 
  • New or slightly used sporting equipment 
  • Goods like computers, software, or office equipment for use by the organization for administrative purposes or program facilitation 
  • Products for fundraisers or special event auctions 
  • Services such as meeting spaces, facilities for program or fundraising events, or photocopy/mail services 
  • Expertise, like legal, tax, or business advice; marketing and website development; and strategic planning 
  • Any other item or service that would help support program goals that STRIVE4You would otherwise have to pay for 

Other Ways to Support STRIVE