Instructor Application SEED Instructor Application General InfoTell Us More About YouAcknowledgement Payment First NameLast NameEmailPhone/MobileAddressAddress Line 1Address Line 2CityStateZip CodeDate of BirthPreferred Pronoun He/Him She/Her Them/They Prefer not to DiscloseAre you a Veteran? Yes NoAre you a person with a disability?- Select -YesNoPrefer Not To AnswerSelect type of instructor certification you are applying for. - Select -Safety Education SpecialistSEED InstructorNextWhat is your professional experience? Please tell us about your current and past professional experience that may relate to becoming a certified instructor. Please provide a list of degrees or certifications you have.Please upload your resume.Choose File Have you ever been convicted of a felony or a had a domestic violence charge? Yes NoIf yes, please explain.ReferencesPlease list two references we can contact on your behalf. First NameLast NameFirst NameLast NameEmailEmailPhone/MobilePhone/MobileRelationshipRelationshipDo you have experience working with people with disabilities? If so please explain.Do you have any martial arts experience? If so please explain.Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself?Please give us 2-3 days and times over the next 7 business days that work best for you to interview with us.PreviousNext I have read and consent to the STRIVE4YOU Background Policy. I acknowledge that my $75.00 application fee is nonrefundable and will be applied toward the full cost of my $600.00 initial Instructor Certification Fee if I am accepted into the training program. Furthermore, I acknowledge that by submitting this application and any associated fee(s), does not automatically enroll me into the Instructor Certification Program and is only a step in the acceptance process. PreviousNextCouponApply CouponApplication FeePrice: $75.00Payment Method Pay with Card (Stripe) Pay with PayPalPay with Card (Stripe) Previous Submit Application